Jack R. Saunders


Hi! I’m Jack, a PhD student at the University of Bath. I’m fortunate to be supervised by Vinay Namboodiri and Darren Cosker. I’m a part of ART-AI and CAMERA. I have completed an internship with Epic Games, and am starting on a research internship at Microsoft this summer. I also run RealSyncAI to communicate information around lip-sync models, deepfakes and video dubbing.

My research is centred around deep learning for Digital Humans. In particular, I’m looking at style in 2D and 3D facial animation, in particular emotional and idiosyncratic. The ultimate aim of my research is to allow for the creation and editing of facial video and 3D animations without the need for artistic skill or expensive performance capture systems. I’m also trying to keep it with the latest tech including: Gaussian Splatting, NeRFs, Diffusion Models, Transformers and Inverse/Differentiable Rendering. It’s a lot!
